Welcoming New Associate Irvin Reyes

Irvin Reyes Associate

Dear Friends, Clients, and Colleagues: Downs Pham & Kuei LLP proudly welcomes new associate, Irvin Reyes, to the Firm. Irvin grew up in Southern California and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics from California State Polytechnic University. Irvin then obtained a Law Degree from UC Law San Francisco (formerly the University of California, […]

22nd Annual California Developer Roundtable

Economist Chris Thornberg will join California’s top developers, lenders, and investors for an afternoon of networking and sharing of insight surrounding housing with an affordable component. Please save the date for the… 22nd Annual California Developer Roundtable Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 1 p.m. The Beverly Hills Hotel9641 Sunset BoulevardBeverly Hills, CA 90210

The new DPK website is live

We’re excited to launch our new revamped website with a cleaner look and more information about our people and practices. We hope you enjoy it!

20th Annual California Developer Roundtable

You’re Invited! 20th Annual California Developer Roundtable.

We’re bringing back Dr. Christopher Thornberg to the only conference where California’s top developers, lenders, and investors gather for an afternoon of networking and sharing of insight surrounding housing with an affordable component.

TCAC Clarifies Lease Rider Process

On March 6, 2019, the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) released a notice describing the process for preparing and submitting a Lease Rider Agreement, which is required for all tax credit housing projects developed under a leasehold interest (i.e., where the land is subject to a ground lease). A copy of the notice can be found on the TCAC website here. The notice includes a link to a template for the required Lease Rider Agreement.

HUD Expands Support for LIHTC Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced refinements to its Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Pilot Program (Pilot Program). These refinements are designed to expedite the review process related to new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects under Sections 221(d)(4) and 220 of the National Housing Act (NHA) that include LIHTCs. The HUD notice can be found here.

Affordable Housing in the New Year

At the beginning of each year, we try to look up from our law books and take a broader view of the affordable housing industry – take its pulse, as it were – so that we can better advise our clients as we embark on another exciting year. Here are a few predictions and suggestions for the new year.

New Website Launched

We’re proud to announce the launch of the DPK website! We will continue to release new features and content so stay tuned. Please send us feedback and comments via the contact us page or by email.